Anime has never been as accessible as it is today. Anyone can now enjoy their favorite uncensored show from the comfort of their home whenever they want.
As for our recommendations, if you are looking for a fast anime streaming website with a large collection of old and new anime titles, opt for our platform. If you're frugal with money, there are great free options like Kiss Anime that will satisfy your hunger for good anime without overloading your pockets.
Features :
- Track favorite animes
- Make watchlists
- Plan what to watch
- English SUB Animes
- Check the schedule for new episodes
- Get notified when a new episode is released
- Watch episodes trailer directly from Kiss Anime
- Beautiful UI
- English Subbed and Dubbed category
- Browse by genre, trending and new season
Anime fans have dozens of applications to enjoy it for free. Among them is Kiss Anime, which brings together some of the best TV series, both those of the moment and those that are considered classics, with constantly updated content.
Don't think twice: if anime is your thing, in this Kiss Anime application you will find dozens of series to enjoy the best Japanese cartoons without having to download anything.
Kiss Anime is not an app for streaming Animes or downloading content. App uses only The Movie Database API for information and traillers, but is not endorsed or certified by The Movie Database.
TMDB Api Terms of Service: These services are licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0:
Kiss Anime app does not show Anime directly or not allow its download movie. Our application follows the "fair use" guidelines by US law, if you feel there is a direct copyright or trademark violation that does not follow within the "fair use" guidelines, please contact us directly.